Friday, August 04, 2006

Newspapers, Hearts and the Bible

Trawling through Saturday's Sydney Morning Herald I found a most beautiful thing. Read below what was under Public Notices:

"Many thanks to Mary our Mother and Jesus Christ for returning mum and I home safely from Lebanon.
Dear St Christopher, you have inherited a beautiful name - - Christbearer - - as a result of a wonderful legend that while carrying people across a raging stream you also carried the Child Jesus. Teach us to be true Christbearers to those who do not know Him. Protect all drivers who often transport those who bear Christ within them. Amen.

God, the Apostle, St Jude Thaddeus, was a faithful servent and friend of our Lord Jesus Christ. Your Church honours him and invokes his intercession universally as the patron of those in difficulty who have found no other help. Grant that through St Jude's intercessions, we may know your will for us, have the strength to do it, and enjoy the consolations of your Holy Spirit. Heavenly Father, may St Jude intercede for us in all our necessities, tribulations and sufferings. With him and with all the saints may we praise you with your Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen."

Now, this alone I found very special and heart warming, but then it was followed up by some awesome words at Sunday @ 7, "(that) The Word of God is written on the tablet of our hearts". What this basically means (to me) is that deep down we all know, or have the capacity to know at least, what is the right thing and what is the wrong thing. What's important is that we listen to that heart of ours, much like the boy did in Paul Coelho's The Alchemist. No matter what it is you are doing, planning to do, thinking about, whatever, down is your heart of hearts you know the right thing.

The right thing isn't always the easy thing, unfortunately. And sometimes we fall prey to going down the road because it's the easy thing to do. That is why God's Holy Spirit provides us with an incredible book to help us know the folly of this mindset. Now, the Bible doesn't say "never do the easy thing" but by studying the different stories and books we can give ourselves ammunition through faith to back up our heart when it makes a call. To me that is just incredible, and I do believe that is one of the chief reasons this book was penned.


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